How is your hearing damaged?
Everyday sounds aren’t benign. Traffic noise, lawn mowers, washing machines – all things we may encounter any day of the week – can damage hearing. Hearing loss occurs over time when continued exposure to loud sounds damages the hair cells in the inner ear. Today more than 11 million people across the UK suffer from hearing loss, which translates to about one-in-six British people. Around 900,000 people in the UK suffer from severe or profound hearing loss, meaning that they have a hearing loss of at least 70dB in their better ear. Damage may arise from noise levels as well as frequencies, from overall background noise as well as sudden bursts of noise from impact-related processes.
Much hearing loss is preventable, but most people who are exposed to loud noises don’t wear hearing protection. If you suspect that you might be experiencing hearing loss, get in touch with us and we will give you a free hearing assessment in one of our clinics or in the comfort of your own home.